always pray of having
healthy baby who can grow or
live normally just like any
other happy kids,
but destiny
sometimes gives
the opposite to some couples
who wonder why
their offsprings turn deaf
at an
early age. It
is currently one
major concern in the United
States where at least three
out of every 1,000
children are born with hearing impairment, and
worst is they become totally
deaf even before they reach adulthood. This
causes them of having different
way of learning things such
as speech and language and often results to undesirable
consequences such
as poor social skills and
academic performance. And
notably, this is the prime reason why the
universal newborn screening programs
more particulary on early
hearing detection have
recently been operated in various
states. Hence, to ensure
that your
baby will be having normal
hearing at the initial stage
and throughout
his life, these are the
things you
have to bear in mind:
When Should Your Baby
be Screened?
for the newborn babies is
usually done before they
leave the birthing center or hospital. And
it is essential
to wait for the results
before going home, but in case
there is delay or you forgot
it, then it is necessary to
ask your doctor about it. If
you are told that your baby
may have hearing impairment, you have to
ask for
referral to an
audiologist for further
examinations and possible
medication to avoid
complication that may lead to deafness.
Why is it Necessary to
Undergo Hearing Examination?
learn speech and
language in their first three years and
recent studies suggest that
kids who
are diagnosed with and helped to recover from
hearing loss early develop
better language
skills than those who do not. Which
is why undergoing
hearing examination is very important to know
and solve the problem
earlier and
ensure that your baby can
successfully learn
communication skills.
How to Recognize
Baby's Hearing Loss in Childhood?
the screening tests administered to newborn babies, it
is still possible that others may not develop
hearing impairment until
reaching childhood. This
is one instance that often the parents, guardians, or caregivers can
notice. Hence, even if your
baby had passed the hearing screening, you should still be watchful
of some signs that may
manifest the illness.
What are the
Alternatives if Your Baby has Hearing Loss?
you consult an audiologist regarding the hearing
loss of your baby, he can advise you of the appropriate medications
or devices that
can help improve
hearing such
as hearing aids and cochlear implants. The
determination of which is best depends on the degree of your child's
hearing impairment, and you
have crucial role for
the success of the entire process.
Ways to Help Your Child
are various ways by which you can personally help your child
communicate normally, but it
is wise if you consult your
doctor first about the best
one to take among these
common options:
(1) Signed English, (2)
Auditory-oral and auditory-verbal options, (3) American Sign
Language, and (4) Cued Speech.
the foregoing, it is apparent that having your baby's hearing
screened is very important given that it is one effective way to detect the impairment which may ruin his entire life.
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